How to Make Your
Best Presentation Ever
You may have only minutes to persuade people to your point of view. Learn how to structure a presentation that sells you every time. Great for affiliates!
Note: This is a resource. There is also an event with the same title. Find it in Events.
99 page Handbook Informational audios All digital
Make a presentation effectively for three people or thousands–in person or online. These are the strategies best presenters use to hold audience attention, to capture and to captivate. Whether you’re a seasoned presenter or just giving your first presentation, you’ll grab dozens of speaking strategies to make you a star and raise your confidence.
Who will benefit most:
Who will benefit:
- Managers who must lead sales meetings
- Loan officers and affiliates who need to do short sales presentations
- Sales agents presenting buyer and seller seminars
- Trainers who wish to polish their presentations
- Anyone who needs to be persuasive and effective in front of 2 or 2000.
In this resource:
- A simple, effective three-step presentation builder to build your persuasive presentation quickly and effectively
- Five tips to banish nervousness and raise your confidence
- Ten methods to stay on time
- Seven critical presentation skills to master
- Four ‘grab ‘em openings to get them in the palm of your hand–fast
- Five ways to put humor in your presentation
- A 24-item speaker’s checklist so you’re always prepared—no surprises!
Reach out, hold, entertain, and inspire your audiences—and thoroughly enjoy the experience!
What’s Inside:
First, the Big Picture: What’s Your Goal
Before you learn how to build a persuasive presentation, let’s think about your goal. This gets you focused so you can effectively design your presentation. In this section we also look at adult learning patterns and barriers, so we can build our presentation to work best with adults.
Second: How to Build Your Presentation
In section two, we dive right into building a great persuasive presentation. Here’s the straightforward method to construct a presentation that will work for you every time. Here are the finer points, too, of building the presentation: How to choose your stories, your analogies, and your humor.
Third: Gain Presentation Skills
You’ve got that presentation built. Now let’s put the magic of YOU into it, so you can make it shine and live large. We’ll look at the various presentation skills—your voice, your gestures, your habits, your skills—and help you build effective presentation strategies, along with unassailable confidence.
Fourth: How to Create Effective Visuals and Handouts
In this section we’ll extend your expertise even further, by helping you with pointers on effective PowerPoint slides, handouts, and other tools for holding the audience’s attention. These skills will greatly enhance your audience appeal, and help youas a presenter.
Fifth: Summary, with Speaker’s Checklists and Tips
Adopt and adapt these skills quickly and easily. Speaker’s checklists and tips to review the major points, and to help you carry these principles out into the field.