We work closely with meeting planners to assure every event detail is covered, to support and facilitate a great, worry-free event. You can rely on our systems to assure the event goes smoothly, so you’re the hero! Having a successful event with no glitches is your goal—and ours. Here are the systems, checklists, and processes we use to coordinate with meeting planners.

Assure Your Business or Association Needs are Met
There’s nothing worse than hearing the speaker go off on a tangent, or miss the focus of your meeting. We assure that’s not going to happen.
Surveys with each association or company
Pre-conference written survey
We use specific surveys for each audience so we know market conditions, company values, and meeting planner goals. This assures the audience receives a presentation tailored just to them.
Pre-conference phone or online interview
Carla will set aside one hour (or more if needed) to speak with meeting planners and leadership, so they can address their needs.

Full Customization
With the results of the surveys, we customize every event, so it carries the focus and importance to deliver to each organization.
Carla’s Meeting Planner Toolkit
The Meeting Planner’s Toolkit
Carla provides you the information you need to present to your committee and/or decision-makers. Inside the Toolkit:
- Biography (see Carla’s bio in About Us)
- Topics (chosen with meeting planner to present to decision maker or committee)
- Companies and Associations Carla has worked with (see About Us)
- References (see About Us)
- Media appearances (see About Us)
- Let’s Publicize Your Event Together
- Carla’s books and/or resources related to the topics requested (sent or emailed)

Pre-Conference Marketing
Your Exceptional Event Systems
Developed over more than two decades, Carla’s systems assure we work together every step of the way to assure the only surprises are happy ones!
Inside the Exceptional Event Systems package:
- Program Agreement
- Exceptional Event Checklist
- Room Set-up
- Introduction (customized for each event)
- End-of-program survey
- Let’s Publicize Your Event Together (customized for this program)
- Pictures
Detailed handouts (no PowerPoint handout copies!)
Detailed ready-to-use handouts so attendees walk out with added value.