What They Won’t Teach You in
Pre-License School
Your pre-license course helps you pass that real estate license test. But doesn’t give you the practical information to make the right decisions for you. Here, you get the pro’s tips on how to assess whether you’ll love real estate, how to interview to find the ‘secrets’, how to choose the right company for you, and how to avoid new agent pitfalls. The decisions you make will affect how successful you can become. Take every advantage you can get!
Chosen as One of the Best Business Books!
My book was honored as one of the best new business books nationally, by the prestigious Axiom Business Books Awards.
Special Right Now for a Limited Time
Get a head start on your business. Take advantage of this blazing special: Purchase Launching Right in Real Estate and your business start-up plan, Up and Running in 30 Days, for $50 (plus shipping). Both are paperbacks for this special. With these, you’ll hit the ground running!
Click here to learn more.
There’s a lot of misinformation out there about real estate as a career. I wrote this book to give you the straight, unadulterated facts–without trying to sway you to ‘that’ company or sell you on real estate as a career if it isn’t the right choice for you. I’ve even included questionnaires so you can get some indicators on whether you’ll love—or hate—selling real estate before you invest hundreds of hours of time and thousands of dollars.
Use These Tools and Tips Now to Avoid Career Mistakes
Click here to grab several of these checklists. They’re great for managers to use in Career Nights, too.
Do this BEFORE you’re licensed:
Grab this checklist, excerpted from my Launching book, to take actions to prepare your career launch even before you’re licensed: 30 Things to Do Right Now to Hit the Ground Running (while you’re in pre-license school).
You’ll literally ‘hit the ground running’ instead of getting ready to get ready for months–until your money runs out!

- How to determinate absolutely if you’re a ‘salesperson’ type and will love selling real estate
- What they don’t tell you to do during pre-license –to hit the ground running
- The 5 most important interview questions to ask to choose the right situation for you
- The technology you need your first day in the office
- Whether you have the ‘profile’ of a successful real estate agent—and whether you’re going to love—or hate—selling real estate
- How to get ready to sell lots of real estate while you’re still taking your pre-license course
- How to absolutely match your goals with the right office for you so you don’t make the wrong choice
- The 10 secrets brokers won’t tell you in the interview—and the questions that reveal them
- 5 attributes of the manager you’ll love—and get the most from
- What a successful real estate agent does in a business day (so you can check your ‘gut’ and see if you’ll like this job)
- The most important technology you’ll need on the first day of your new career
- What to do the first week you’re in real estate to assure you launch a successful career
- The start-up business plan that puts you far ahead of the pack
- How to handle those personality clashes as a new agent
- The 4 fatal mistakes new agents make that doom their careers
When you order: There are two documents here. The text for reading on your computer or iPad is titled prelicenseebooktext.pdf. Download this pdf to read on your computer or iPad.

Launching Right tells you what you may not hear in the interview: The work it takes, the expenses involved, timeframes, challenges, and the business start-up plan you need to succeed.

I wish I had a book like this to read and discover many of the key points of real estate when I was considering diving into the profession. This book is an easy read and would be very helpful for anyone considering a profession in real estate.

Launching Right in Real Estate is a must for anyone thinking about real estate as a career. The author answers the myriad of questions would-be agents ask, and she’s straightforward and honest with her answers.