Launching Right in Real Estate:
What They Won’t Teach You in Pre-License School
Gain the critical information you didn’t learn in your pre-license class so you can launch your real estate career fast: How to interview, how to choose the right company for you, how to avoid new agent pitfalls. eBook or paperback.
Just named one of best business books by prestigious Axiom Book Awards!
Up and Running in 30 Days
New 6th edition!
The proven new agent’s business start-up plan for determined will-be pros. What to do, when to do it, how to do it, and how much to do. Thousands have launched careers successfully with this program. Hard copy book.

Beyond the Basics of Business Planning
Coming Soon: A Hybrid Online and ‘live’ Coaching Experience
For experienced agents
The complete business planning system for real estate professionals: How to plan; includes all planning templates. Advice on how to assure your plan works. Online.
Beyond the Basics of Business Planning
Coming Soon! A Hybrid Online Program plus personalized Coaching
For leadership
Create a strategic blueprint for your company with a competitive business plan. All leadership and agent planning documents, webinars, and courses included here. Online.

The Complete Recruiter
Save time! You can interview and hire 10+ agents a week when you use a system.
Systematize your recruiting plan with purpose so you save time and energy. Gain agents who match your vision and culture. Use the Recruiter Planner to assure your plan is systematized. Online.

Your Blueprint for Selecting Winners
Be the recruiter/interview that wins every recruit you want! Outshine everyone else with this exclusive professional process.
The complete interview system to assure you reveal your candidate’s secrets. How to explain the unique benefits of joining your company. 8-step checklist to assure you interview for winners. No other resources like this. You’ll hire more winners. Online.

The Complete New Agent Development System
Integrate your ‘agent development’ for a complete system approach . In the New Agent Development System: Informing, recruiting, interviewing, selecting, training and coaching to assure your agents ‘get’ your culture and you retain winners. Systematize your profits now.

Up and Running in Real Estate
Increase your retention, productivity, and profitability by starting your agents in a proven business plan-based training. All online, to save you time and effort and retain winners. 8 weeks; includes ‘live’ Zoom coaching with Carla.

Coaches’ Corner
Use a proven system to start your agents (or re-start them) toward a successful business. Here’s the coaching companion to our online training system, Up and Running in Real Estate. Includes weekly Zoom live coaching with Carla. Online.
Available only to those who register their agents in Up and Running in Real Estate, and then join Coaches’ Corner.

Knock Their Socks Off: How to Make your Best Presentation Ever
Present in front of two or two hundreds with confidence. Persuade your audience to your point of view. Learn how to structure a presentation that sells you. Great for affiliates! Text and audios. Online.

How to Write your Course with Substance, Sizzle, and ‘Sell’
Coming soon! A Hybrid with online instructions and coaching from Carla to walk you right through creating that great course!
Assure that great information you want to share is organized in an effective, creative way to give you the greatest impact on your audience. A step-by-step guide to create your course. No other program like this! Online.

Big Ideas
With our hectic lives, we don’t have time to read 300-page, 100,000-word books! With this little book of Big Ideas, Carla’s great sales and life principles are condensed so it’s readable and memorable fast!
Great for recruiting! It’s your glorified business card. When you purchase 20 or more of these ‘little books’ at once, Carla provides you guidance in how to use your own ‘little book’ for recruiting. Recruits will never forget you and you’ll stand out to those winners you want.
The Complete Buyer’s Agent Toolkit
List More Buyers! The Coaching, System and Processes You Need for Buyer Loyalty
Consulting and educating buyers is the most important action you can take. Create confidence, professionalism, and trust with this comprehensive buyer agent guide.

Marketing You
Create your Brand. Stand out from the Crowd. Gain Confidence.
Marketing YOU will coach you to find your ‘uniques’. New section on building your bio for all social media. Today, you must create effective branding across all platforms, and this program will help you do just that.