15 clock hours
Train the Trainer 2.0
15 clock hours
For someone who has never trained to experienced trainers
Getting in front of people as a trainer is much more than just sharing your expertise. With this online course, you’ll gain dozens of teaching strategies to hold your audience’s attention and enjoy great participation.
You’ll make a bigger impact on their lives–and you’ll get more business.
Who is this for: Anyone, from someone who’s never taught, to those who have extensive experience.
Personal coaching from Carla: This isn’t just a static online course! Carla Cross, your coach, reviews all your work and comments frequently to help you stay on track and refine your strategies.
Get expert advice on overcoming challenges, like unruly audiences, handling time constraints, and controlling nervousness. Because we’re teaching online much more often, you’ll get tips to transform that course and your presentation for effective delivery online.
Tuition is $299 per person.
Multiple registration discounts: See discounts and how to use them at the bottom of this page.
This distance learning course fulfills the requirements to become a clock-hour approved instructor in Washington State and provides 15 clock hours in Washington state. It has the same curriculum as the ‘live’ course, Instructor Development Workshop.
Looking for the ‘live’ course? See the ‘live’ course and schedule here.
This Course is Does Much More than Qualify You as an Instructor
Don’t just take a course to qualify as an approved instructor in Washington state. This course will give you much more.
What’s new in Train the Trainer 2.0:
- 11 practices so you’ll be ready to instantly apply to your course
- 28 short videos to make learning a breeze
- Dozens of examples, processes, and ‘how-tos’ to guide you every step of the way
- Video summaries at the end of each section to help you grab the most important strategies
- A Train the Trainer 2.0 Resource Handbook, so you can capture and keep all the guides in the course
- Forums, where attendees share best practices and examples
- 5 short videos: Tips to translate your ‘live’ course to virtual (so you won’t bore them to tears–not with these tips!)

Title reps, escrow, attorneys, mortgage reps, and inspectors: Are you teaching fact-heavy courses? This course is great for those teaching high-density, fact-based, or technical courses. Why? Because Carla will teach you unique methods to quit relying on that boring lecture (admit it, it’s boring!) and turn your course and your presentation methods into high-participation, high-attention, even fun learning experiences. (And they’ll learn much more!).
Best of all, Carla’s processes and examples create confidence for you that what you create will go well!
Included in this course:
- 7 tips to ‘control’ your audience
- 5 methods to avoid boring them to tears–creative teaching methods
- 8 ways to avoid nervousness and enjoy your teaching
- Best methods to arrange your course ‘flow’
- Diagrams: How to Prepare the Room for Optimum Learning
- Dos and don’ts to launch a course right
- Biggest sins presenters make and how to avoid them
- Tips to assure they remember your great points
- Reflection Time: The Questions to Ask to Assure they Learned
- Presenter Evaluation
- How to Become an Approved Instructor–detailed guide
Dozens of examples of training tools, including
- Example: a skill-building workshop
- Example: completed worksheet to create a workshop
- Example of a skill-building Evaluator (creates greater skills much faster)
- Example: Action Plan, so your attendees take home your expertise
- Worksheet to create an awesome persuasive presentation (sales)
- Checklist: How to take your live course to virtual
- Presentation survey form
- Sample attendance record
- Evaluation: How to Assess your Training Skills
- The Train the Trainer 2.0 course guide: Explains exactly how to take the course, the work to complete, and the time frames involved.
- A complete Train the Trainer 2.0 Resource Handbook, to put everything you learned in one place; includes all how-tos in the course
This course is much different from your generic ‘how to train’ course. It’s created by National Realtor Educator of the Year, Washington Realtor Educator of the Year and former master CRB (Certified Real Estate Broker) instructor Carla Cross.
The best of Both Worlds:
The 'Hybrid' Version of Train the Trainer 2.0
Companies, teams, and associations: Present a customized Train the Trainer 2.0 hybrid course to your team. This will propel your instructors and courses to ‘exceptional’.
How it works: ‘Hybrid’ is a combination of taking the course virtually, coupled with ‘live’ instructor-led sessions. Carla and your attendees will ‘meet’ via Zoom once a week for a 45-minute session for 4 weeks. She will personally coach, review work, answer questions, and help attendees get ready for the next week.
Motivation and support built in! Want to know more? Contact Carla at 425-392-6914 or email her at carla@carlacross.com.
Available with a registration of 5 or more participants at once.
Read more about this unique hybrid Train the Trainer 2.0 course here.
About the hybrid course from a participant:
Carla’s {hybrid}Train the Trainer course was very practical and offered opportunities for her students to immediately practice some of the skills explored in the class. It was particularly practical as we headed into more virtual learning with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The resources offered by Carla Cross during her instruction and afterward proved to be very valuable to me as I started teaching courses at our local realtor association in eastern Washington.
Ron Almberg, Managing Broker, Keller Williams Realty, Washington

Check out Train the Trainer 2.0 Hybrid for your company or association.
Ordering for Someone Else and Bulk Orders
If you’re ordering for someone else: Please note that on the ordering page, and follow the directions to assign the course to someone else.
Multiple (‘bulk discount’) orders: If you’re ordering several ‘seats’ of a program at once, you will receive a discount: 2-5 items, 10% discount; 6-10 items, 20% discount; 11+ items, 30% discount. You will receive access codes that you can distribute to those for whom you ordered. You have one year to distribute your ‘seats’.) This is great if you have several people you want to get approved as instructors throughout the year. You can provide a code to someone as you’re ready so they can take the program. And, you buy with discounts.
Note: Each registrant has 6 months from your date of purchase to finish the course. After that, renewal rates apply. Registrants get multiple messages when time is about to expire.