Thank you for attending my podcast for your organization. 

And, thank you to John Mayfield!

Here are the handouts I mentioned. In addition, I’d like to offer you a special price on my new book, Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won’t Teach You in Pre-License School. Regularly $24.95 plus shipping, I’m pleased to offer you this print copy for half-price, at $12.95 (plus shipping). Just put in the coupon Missouri. This offer expires May 5. Please order now to get your discounted price. Great material for Career Nights and saves you from thousands of hours of ‘interviews’ educating would-be agents.

            Coupon: Missouri for my new book at 1/2 price
Below is the request for the handouts in one PDF from my podcast presentation:
30 Things to Do While in Pre-License School to Hit the Ground Running
Self: Analysis: Attributes of a Successful Real Estate Salesperson
Onboarding Questionnaire
Questions? Want me to present to your leadership on this critical topic? Contact me! or 425-392-6914. I’m here to assist you.

Request: Handouts for the Missouri Association of Realtors

Request --Handouts for the Missouri Association of Realtors Podcast

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