A four-part leadership series to recruit, select, train, coach, and retain the right people for profitability

Scope of the Series

Each of these action-packed programs is 1 day in length. Continuing education clock hours can be gained for this series in most states.

Offering 1 or more days of this course

Each day in this series is a stand-alone course, and each of these courses in the series can be combined with any other course in the series. Or, all four days can be taught sequentially over a period of time.

Contact Carla at 425-392-6914 or carla@carlacross.com for more information and to schedule.

Overall focus of the series

Explore and apply the most effective methods for managing people in this competitive market. Included are specific processes and systems for managers, ready to use in the field immediately. Save time and become more efficient while managing all duties. Step up to leadership with confidence.

Customization for Each Sponsoring Association or Company

To assure that this program meets the geographic, market, and participant needs, every program is customized using live and/or written interviews and pre-conference surveys. There is new information added to the program constantly, assuring it’s fresh, contemporary, and pertinent to broker concerns.

What’s Different About this Series

Carla has written this series from the ground up, so attendees get much more take-home value. The writing and interaction with attendees create greater value than those courses that are written without this accountability component.

Attendees put the concepts and skills to work between each session through specific action plans. This is not a “sit and listen to the lecturer” series! You’ll see measurable outcomes and progress.

Topics Put into the Context of
Managers’ Job Responsibilities

Cumulative: Each session builds on another, and refers to the information and actions explained in the prior session. Attendees learn by watching, listening, and most importantly, doing. This increases implementation and confidence.

High interaction: This series is taught with a lively, interactive, and participative structure, so managers gather dozens of successful strategies, and raise their confidence to implement them. Studies show that using interactive methods rather than lecture results in much greater learning.

Action plans to assure implementation:  Managers leave with action plans for each session, and ready to use systems to accomplish what they desire. Suggested actions are written into each outline, and are summarized at the end of each course, so attendees are sure of the possible actions they may take to insure more productivity and profits.

 Pre-symposium work to increase take-home value: Prior to each session, attendees are asked to bring 3-4 items/analysis from their own offices, to increase their learning and application during the sessions. Studies prove that this method greatly increases the impact of the symposium.

In-depth outlines:  Each outline is 30+ pages, which includes at least 4 ready-to-use processes for each session, each written so that the attendees can take these processes home and implement them with confidence. These outlines are literally a book on managing effectively.

Accountability increases implementation and success: Students are asked to report their actions taken during lunch at the next session. This way, students get valuable feedback from the instructor and other attendees. Studies have proven that accountability is the greatest component for insuring action and measurable results.

Description of the Series

Symposium One

Day One: Recruit and Select for Excellence and Profit

In this interactive, dynamic, and fast-paced session, managers build a recruiting plan that delivers the results needed to increase profitability.  The focus and purpose in on improving their bottom lines. A specific planning template will be provided, so attendees don’t have to reinvent the wheel. In addition, managers will grasp 9 specific lead generating and interview skills to select agents who will be productive for themselves and the company.

Managers will be able to avoid the pitfalls of typical haphazard recruiting and selection efforts, which result in lost opportunities and low profits.  Instead, they will find out the 5 keys to selecting an agent who will produce a profit for them quickly.

Managers will walk out of the session with:

  • A 5-step recruiting plan (95% of managers have no recruiting plan!)
  • Their recruiting plans clearly outlined
  • A  8-step process for an interview, to assure managers hire people who will work for them (more than 65% of agents are part-timers; about 1/3 of agents in each office have done fewer than 2 transactions in a year!)


Day Two: Training and Coaching New Agents to Fast Productivity

Ranks of real estate agents swell and shrink with market conditions. In this session, we explore and apply the principles that assure we get productivity from our new agents quickly, so we increase profits, and not waste time. We’ll explore the 5 reasons most training and coaching fails to get results, so attendees can fine-tune their programs.

Refining our training for better results; :We will apply 10 proven principles to get productivity from our training programs and coaching systems. Attendees will leave with an action plan to retool their training and coaching to get the results they deserve.

Managers will walk out of the session with:

  • Detailed, prioritized manager’s job description for time management
  • Timeframe to coach new agents to assure $$$
  • How to set standards—and recommendations
  • An example of a training series
  • A new agent training calendar


Day Three: Training and Coaching Experienced Agents to Greater Productivity

Too many times, we reply on the market to buoy up our medium or low producers. In this session, we apply the best training and coaching strategies proven to increase experienced agents’ productivity, especially in a shifting market.

Attendees will get a specific process to choose which of their agents are coachable, and which ones may be wasting their time. Attendees will leave with proven, specific actions to take to train, coach, and inspire their experienced agents to increased productivity.

Managers will walk out of the session with:

  • Two best training methods and how to implement them
  • 15 questions to determine who is coach able
  • 14 best coaching questions to ask experienced agents
  • 4-step process to coach experienced agents
  • Specific 4-step process to create a training session

Symposium Four

Day Four: The Essentials of Leadership to Build an Unassailable Team

A big-picture session, and the most important to improved productivity. We explore the best proven leadership style today to lead a real estate office. Not just theory here, your instructor shares specific strategies to put to work in the office to take one’s skills from maintenance management to true leadership.

We’ll assess the state of each office’s “team”, and take the steps necessary to create a real team, to create unassailable loyalty, and to assure we are doing the essential management and leadership actions to create greater profitability for tomorrow.

This session is a ‘must’ for those who have been in management for years, and want new leadership strategies. New managers will have an advantage to be able to create these strategies from the ground up!

Example of attendee handout.

Managers will walk away from this session with:

  • How to implement the most effective leadership style today
  • Three concrete processes to use as leadership actions to gain profitability
  • A 10-step process to turn your office from a “group” into a “team”
  • Four of the best retention methods
  • A leadership strategy to compete successfully against companies of all sizes

Contact Carla at 425-392-6914 or carla@carlacross.com for more information and to schedule. Or, complete the information below.


Wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I enjoyed the seminar at the VAR Management Council seminar last week.  I noticed in the audience a lot of “seasoned” managers/recruiters all looking for fresh and interesting ideas.  Some of those people have also shared with me that the did get something out of the seminar and can’t wait for the next ones. As far as myself, I have already used some of the ideas interviewing and they have proved to be beneficial.  I have also told the other managers in our company that they should make it a point to attend the next 3 sessions.

Mary Kulesa, Managing Broker
ERA Real Estate Professionals, Newport News, VA.

Your seminar in Richmond last Thursday was great!  I’ve reviewed the material and look forward to establishing a more organized training system.  My enthusiasm was still high on Friday when I interviewed, and hired, 3 agents. Thanks for the boost!

From almost the beginning of my real estate career, I have used your business planning books. Thank you for many years of sound guidance and good advice.  I recommend your books to all my new agents.  It was great to meet you at last, and I hope to see you again in the near future.

Gail Ailor, Branch Manager
Long and Foster, Richmond, VA.

Thank you for a terrific recruiting presentation last week. I drove back to Charlottesville with three of managers and we talked non stop. We are having a debriefing accountability session on April 11 to implement some of the new ideas…

Carol Clarke, CRB, CRS, GRI, SRS
President, Montague, Miller & Co., Realtors

This was the best training I have done so far as a real estate agent or manager. I rate this program a 5++ (out of 5). The most valuable idea I learned is how to implement effective new agent training, and how to implement veteran agent evaluation and coaching.

Jim Gainer
Manager, Greg Garrett Realty